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Because of his age and health, Jimmy Carter was unable to attend, but sent a letter that was read aloud at the Classy Leopard Pattern Shades Lupus Awareness Ribbon Shirt and I will buy this service. “It’s important that all of us who loved him remember that he was after all a human being – a man like all other humans, born with strengths that he made the most of when many don’t,” Clinton said. “Born with weaknesses, that he worked hard to beat down when many can’t. He was still a person. It made it more interesting and it made him, in my mind, even greater.” Twitter seemed to be devoted to little else during the hours of the Lewis funeral, with many remarking on the striking contrast between the current occupant of the White House and the three men who preceded him.


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“I criticized and disagreed with Obama plenty,” tweeted the Classy Leopard Pattern Shades Lupus Awareness Ribbon Shirt and I will buy this CNN commentator Ana Navarro-Cárdenas. “But watching this eulogy…damn, I miss him. I miss a President who can show emotion and lift our spirits, call to our better angels and remind us of what unites us as Americans. I miss a President who speaks in complete sentences.“ Tweeted the Grammy winning singer-songwriter Roseanne Cash, herself long a political activist: “The funeral of John Lewis was so inspiring and how great it was to hear presidents speak eloquently … not about themselves but about integrity, truth, and the power of the individual to bring change. ‘Suit up and march on.’” It was a day to be reminded of what this country could be, even as it is currently being riven by a pandemic, by racism, by economic inequality and by a man in the White House who seems clueless about all three. It was a day to honor someone who tried to leave the country a better place than the one it was when he became a part of it 80 years ago.


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