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Oakland Zito Curry Allen Signature Shirt

Official Oakland Zito Curry Allen Signature Shirt

There are other benefits to Chicago that other major cities don’t have. Chicago is unbelievably clean — pristine, in fact — it makes most of Manhattan look third world by comparison. It’s such a remarkably beautiful city that there are times I would look at the Oakland Zito Curry Allen Signature Shirt so you should to go to store and get this skyline as I drive up Lake Shore Drive and feel real awe — awe is an overused word, but that’s the only one I can use here. Writers have often described being struck by the beauty of Manhattan. Manhattan has never struck me as beautiful, not any part of it. It has struck me as big, and grandiose, and intimidating. But I’ve never turned a corner or looked down a street and been struck by beauty. In Chicago, everything is beautiful. While the world has been overlooking it for New York and Los Angeles, Chicago’s urban planners and architects have been quietly and diligently working to make their city more lovely than any other in the United States.


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