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Sundae Girl Let’s Go J D Mandell Shirt

The good news is hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s are extremely treatable. Almost dream-state, best-case-scenario treatable. My doctor prescribed a synthetic thyroid hormone that can essentially do the Sundae Girl Let’s Go J D Mandell Shirt and by the same token and job your thyroid is failing to do. Call it a placebo or a victor’s mindset, but I felt better soon after starting the medication. Three months later, I felt completely like myself again. It’s been difficult to get answers about why and how this happened in my body. January is Thyroid Awareness Month, but our society is still largely silent about thyroid issues. Apparently, about 1 in 20 women develop postpartum thyroiditis, which is a hell of a lot of people for something I’d never heard of that had the power to throw me so off kilter. It made me angry. It made me want to shout from the rooftops: “Check your thyroid, friends!”


Official Sundae Girl Let’s Go J D Mandell Shirt

During this Thyroid Awareness Month (I suppose it’s my first year actually observing), I feel incredibly lucky that I knew to turn to hormone testing early. That kind of empowering information is something everyone should be able to access. Having more data like that in our back pockets can only expand and encourage these important conversations. People with ovaries deserve to be able to advocate for themselves and prioritize their own physical and mental health. Not feeling OK is not OK. “It’s just the Sundae Girl Let’s Go J D Mandell Shirt and by the same token and way it is” isn’t a good excuse anymore, and suffering through our conditions doesn’t and shouldn’t just “come with the territory” of postpartum. And you better believe I am telling every pregnant person I know to get that thyroid checked before, during, and after pregnancy. Check your thyroid, friends.


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