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The Mountains Are Calling Shirt

Then at month four, I stopped sleeping. Not an unusual situation for some new parents, but at this point, my baby was rocking a 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. sleep schedule. It was just me who was having the The Mountains Are Calling Shirt in addition I really love this 3 a.m. heart palpitations. I was flighty and anxious all day at work, lost an unusual amount of weight for a postpartum mom, and the glamorous kicker? My hair started falling out in chunks. I felt like a husk of a person. At our pediatrician appointment that month (the U.S. doesn’t have any ongoing care for postpartum parents, which is a story for another day), they handed me a clipboard with a postpartum depression survey. I’d gone through the motions at previous checkups, circling “no,” “no,” “no” to the questions about feeling sad. But this time I thought, “You know what? I feel like shit.” I circled “yes” to a few and asked for a referral to a postpartum therapist in my neighborhood.


Official The Mountains Are Calling Shirt

It took some time to find the The Mountains Are Calling Shirt in addition I really love this right fit, and I didn’t think I could—or should—wait to feel better, so I decided to take a hormone test. I co-founded Modern Fertility in 2017, a company that’s all about checking in on fertility hormones before you have a kid. I’d tested my own hormones many times already, but I couldn’t ignore the similarities between what I was feeling and what many of our users had described when suffering from hormone imbalances, particularly thyroid issues. I popped the hormone test in the mail, and after a few days, I got an alert that my results were ready. About an hour later, our head of clinical responded to my text with: “You’re going to see a doctor, right?” My thyroid stimulating hormone was off the charts. Like way off the charts, which can be a sign that your thyroid isn’t properly producing thyroid hormones. Your body is essentially flooring it on the gas to try and stimulate the thyroid into doing its job. I remember feeling equal parts fear and validation. The results confirmed what I already knew: Something was very wrong.


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